Sunday, January 13, 2013

happy playoffs. happy golden globes. happy sunday funday.

Talk about a busy Sunday.
Happy Playoffs! If ya wanna read about football, this is the wrong blog. Only thing I will say...I cried for RG3 last week.  Now, moving on.

Happy Golden Globes! Lets talk last year vs. this year. Last year PK and I watched it with our good guy friends from JMU. We drank champagne and watched it on our, what feels like, 7 inch TV. We had to sit in certain areas of the room to keep the signal on our antenna box(cause they have those now). We had been living in LA for 2 months. I was working my day job and just finished my first short film. Wanna hear that great story?

My first short film experience...I was cast without an audition. Red flag numero uno. The table read was at a bar. Red flag dos. They said they would make edits to the script so I wouldn't have to kiss another girl. Edits not made until I refused to do it on set. I ran to the grocery story to get props(isn't that the PA's job?). So you get the feel. But I learned from it and I met some great people!

This year. I am still watching the Golden Globes on our 7 inch TV..and I'm still sitting on the floor. But we mounted that box to the wall now, so I can sit anywhere I freaking want! I am not drinking champagne, so that's a let down from last year. BUT... good news is, is that I've been in LA for over one year! And I'm loving it. I have done one student film, which premiered at the Writers Guild of America, done my 2nd independent short(much better experience!), filmed a pilot presentation, modeled for "Home and Family" on the Hallmark Channel, and just wrapped an episode of "Unusual Suspects" for Investigation Discovery. Two more exciting bits...I got a commercial agent! AND I have my own website!

When I was 14, I told myself I'd be on the Red Carpet at age 21. So I'm a couple years late but at least I'm going for it, right?

Happy Sunday Funday! While people use Sunday Funday for drinking that commences early a.m. with overflowing mimosas and Bloody Mary's, I use Sunday Funday to move my career forward(and then I have a mimosa). I woke up and headed to San Fernando Valley for an American Apparel themed photo shoot. Then went to Culver City for an audition to model a home good product! 

To me the best days are the ones that you get to do what you wish you could do every single day..but you can't yet. So when you do get those days, enjoy the hell out of them. And the more Sunday Funday's I have like today...the closer I get to not watching the Golden Globes on my floor and the closer I'll be to walking the Golden Globes floor. 


Photo Shoot with Ajay Jhaveri last week
I'd love to hear about your Sunday Fundays, so comment!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

new and revamped and revamped me.

That being said...since we're all fresh here, I figured I'd re-introduce myself.

I am Kaitlyn Benetz. An actress. A sister. A daughter. A best friend. A writer. A jokester. A vodka soda drinker. A laugher.

I'm 24 years old and have been in Los Angeles, California for over a year. Talk about a big move, adios Virginia. I won't lie. It sucked in the beginning. But now...I really do love it.

That's just a taste of who I am and where I am. As far as content goes for this's going to be a wild ride. I want this to be a place where I can write about how great my coffee was today. How much I hate LA traffic. How I bombed an audition and more commonly, how I rocked an audition(sarcasm?). How much I miss my family. How much I love doing yoga super early in the a.m. Anything and everything goes. My blog, my rules.

While writing about such a wide range of things may not be good, it doesn't have to be bad. I was complaining to a good friend about how stressed I am when it comes to narrowing in on what I want to do, how to market myself, how to get to where I want to be. There is so much information out there, so many articles to read and blogs to peruse, that it is an information overload. Where do I begin?

So he said...'there are two people in this world, followers and leaders. It's not necessarily bad to be a follower, but you are a leader.' (I let out a sigh).
That was the first time anyone said that to me. And it may be a little hard for me to believe it, but this is going to be the start of my new mindset.

I'm going to be the leader of my own life. I can't really ask you to follow me after that last story... so just join me on my blog trip:-)

p.s. Wondering about the blog title? I'm a daisy. LA is a desert. Get it?

Sunday, April 22, 2012

6 months already?

hmm. so...
it's been about 6 months now. living in LA for 6 months. crazy. it's gone by really fast. 
when i first got out here. it was rough. really rough to be honest. as soon as i got out here, not even two weeks into it, i had some family stuff happen back home. which made being out here much more difficult to try to settle in when my heart was back in VA

BUT enough about that! things got better then worse. but you can't stop living life. i think that's been the hardest part out here. knowing that i still need to live my life as it is out here, even though i feel like i should be back in VA. 

Again...BUT. it is what it is
so im here. family's at home. what else can be said? not much. 

to be honest. this whole blog thing is not as easy as i thought it was gonna be. i was thinking, 'so simple! i'll just sit down every now and then and type how i feel or give an extended FB status update to people. everyone will be in the loop. it'll be fun, casual and entertaining!' NOT(said in borat voice) not so easy. and not so fun. i think the two blogs i have written haven't even been happy ones! ooops! 

so my goal this week, is to write a happy and entertaining blog...that even i would want to read if i didnt know myself! (does that even make sense)

all in all. im gonna suck it up. keep a smile on my face. be happy that ive been out here for 6 months. and write some happy funny shit. lets do this.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

day by day

let me tell you...i still dont feel like LA is a reality. i'll be driving through west hollywood on my way to work and see the weho sign and think....'holy s+++!?" i live here?
i feel like it's so easy to just go through the motions of your everyday life.
wake up. make coffee. shower. drink coffee. watch the good morning america. get ready for work. drive to work. work. go to gym. come home. sleep. repeat. with the occasional audition/drink with friend/meeting thrown in there. you get so caught up with this routine that you don't realize why you came here(wherever you are) to begin with. did you come here to drink coffee, get stuck in traffic, and barely pay the bills? or did you come here to work your ass off to be all that you can be as an actor, creator and performer? it's easy to lose sight of it. but i think it's normal. as long as i doesn't last for too long, the phase of comfortability, and you can train yourself to step back and check yourself every now and will get more accomplished than you thought.
to be honest...a lot of it is living in the present moment, enough to enjoy yourself and smile. to be happy with where you are at the moment. but at the same look in the future far enough to have a goal/plan of where you want to go or what you want to be. then trying to make steps that you can accomplish when living in the present moment. little steps, not big ones. ones that can actually be accomplished more easily than "book a pilot." things that are attainable. make a list. and cross that s+++ off. it feels so good to cross stuff off lists.
sometimes i make lists and add some lines of things i have already done, just so i can cross them off. then when i look at my long list... i feel more accomplished and motivated. "hey self! look what i already got done! i can def knock the rest of this crazy ass list out sooner than i thought!"
these are just thoughts. my thoughts. i wanted to vent and write a little. thanks for listening. NOT(borat voice). reading!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

3 Months In.

Hello All,
By all, I mean...hello to myself. Because somehow I am following myself on blogger. Ha. Leave it to me!
So to the few people that actually found this blog, by accident or by clicking on my link which I've probably posted on fb or twitter...Hello, and thanks for stopping by!
So let's just figure out who Kaitlyn is and what she is up to right now!
Basically...this is a quick introduction of who I am and what I'm doing with my life! DUN DUN DUN (you probably just read those three you should scan back and sing them out loud id descending tones).
Now that we have that dramatic feeling...let us begin.
My name is Kaitlyn. I am 23 years old and am from the lovely state of Virginia. I am first and foremost a sister. A sister to my best friend Chelsea, she lives back in DC. I am also one of two daughters of my wonderful parents...who, like half of the worlds parents...are indeed separated. Shocker. I love those three people more than my next (gasp).
I am an actress, writer and director. Sometimes singer, dancer and model. Depending on my mood! I recently graduated from school, majoring in Digital Video and Cinema with a theatre minor. I made the move out to the wonderful yet CRAY city of L.A. (rhyme baby rhyme).
I have a awesome roommate, PK. We had a couple classes together in school but just kinda took a chance at being roomies and it's been BA! We've had a blast so far and it's only been three months! Super excited for the future!
Anywho...that's the deal for now. I am an actress who moved to LA. Like so many others in this wonderful world...but you gotta have faith that if it's meant to be it'll be. So I have it. Faith, that is. Or I try to. Don't we all?
I'm going to start posting on here and I hope ya'll like it. And if ya don't that's cool too:-) Thanks for stopping by, none the less!